Topical treatment options for field cancerization


  • Toni Burbidge, MD


Field cancerization (FC) was first described by Slaughter et al in 1953. In that study, pathologic atypia was noted in normal appearing epithelial tissue adjacent to oropharyngeal carcinomas. Multiple new primary tumors were found to subsequently arise within this field.

Later research defined FC at the cellular level as the growth of a mutant clone that creates a field of cells predisposed to subsequent tumor growth. Cutaneous field cancerization occurs in areas exposed to chronic ultraviolet radiation (UVR), which leads to fields of clonal proliferations of p53-mutated keratinocytes and is characterized by multifocal actinic keratoses (AK), squamous cell carcinomas in situ (SCCis), and cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (CSCC). Risk factors for FC are similar to the risk factors for AKs and CSCC, including exposure to UVR, light skin, increasing age, male sex, and immunosuppression. Cutaneous FC is located on areas of the body that receive extensive sun exposure, including the face, balding scalp, forearms, and dorsal hands.

Author Biography

Toni Burbidge, MD

Dr. Toni Burbidge is a is a dermatologist based in Calgary, Alberta where she practices medical and surgical dermatology. She is dual board-certified in both Canada and the United States. She completed her medical degree at the University of Toronto, and dermatology residency at the University of Calgary. She has a special interest in cutaneous oncology and is involved in melanoma research with the multi-disciplinary cutaneous oncology team at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary. She also teaches medical residents and other learners in her affiliation with the University of Calgary as a clinical lecturer.


Slaughter DP, Southwick HW, Smejkal W. “Field cancerization” in oral stratified squamous epithelium. Clinical implications of multicentric origin. Cancer. 1953 Sep;6(5):963-8.

Braakhuis BJ, Tabor MP, Kummer JA, Leemans CR, Brakenhoff RH. A genetic explanation of Slaughter’s concept of field cancerization: evidence and clinical implications. Cancer Res. 2003;63:1727-1730.

Willenbrink TJ, Ruiz ES, Cornejo CM, Schmults CD, Arron ST, Jambusaria-Pahlajani A. Field cancerization: Definition, epidemiology, risk factors, and outcomes. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020 Sep;83(3):709-717.

Rigel DS. Cutaneous ultraviolet exposure and its relationship to the development of skin cancer. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008;58(5):S129-32.

Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer. Public Health Agency of the Government of Canada. Published December 9, 2019. Accessed September 25, 2022.

Werner RN, Sammain A, Erdmann R, Hartmann V, Stockfleth E, Nast A. The natural history of actinic keratosis: a systematic review. Br J Dermatol, 169 (2013), pp. 502-518

Neugebauer R, Levandoski KA, Zhu Z, et al. A real-world, community-based cohort study comparing the effectiveness of topical fluorouracil versus topical imiquimod for the treatment of actinic keratosis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2018;78:710-716.

Pomerantz H, Hogan D, Eilers D, et al. Long-term efficacy of topical fluorouracil cream, 5%, for treating actinic keratosis: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Dermatol. 2015;151:952-960.

Steeb T, Wessely A, Schmitz L, et al. Interventions for Actinic Keratosis in Nonscalp and Nonface Localizations: Results from a Systematic Review with Network Meta-Analysis. J Invest Dermatol. 2021;141(2):345-354.e8.

Eisen DB, Asgari MM, Bennett DD et al. Guidelines of care for the management of actinic keratosis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2021 Oct 1;85(4):e209-33.

Askew DA, Mickan SM, Soyer HP, Wilkinson D. Effectiveness of 5-fluorouracil treatment for actinic keratosis a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Int J Dermatol. 2009;48:453-463.

Cornejo CM, Jambusaria-Pahlajani A, Willenbrink TJ, Schmults CD, Arron ST, Ruiz ES. Field cancerization: Treatment. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020 Sep;83(3):719-730.

Cunningham TJ, Tabacchi M, Eliane JP, et al. Randomized trial of calcipotriol combined with 5-fluorouracil for skin cancer precursor immunotherapy. J Clin Invest. 2017;127(1):106-116. doi:10.1172/JCI89820

Mohney L, Singh R, Grada A, Feldman S. Use of Topical Calcipotriol Plus 5-Fluorouracil in the Treatment of Actinic Keratosis: A Systematic Review. J Drugs Dermatol. 2022;21(1):60-65. doi:10.36849/JDD.2022.6632

Hadley G, Derry S, Moore RA. Imiquimod for actinic keratosis: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Invest Dermatol. 2006 Jun;126(6):1251-5.

Henderson BW, Dougherty TJ. How does photodynamic therapy work?. Photochem Photobiol. 1992;55(1):145-157.

Galderma Canada Inc. Metvix (methyl aminolevulinate topical cream) [product monograph]. Health Canada website. . Revised March 30, 2017. Accessed September 22, 2022.

Clarion Medical Technologies Inc. Levulan Kerastick [product monograph]. Health Canada website. Revised September 30, 2014. Accessed September 22, 2022.

Tschen EH, Wong DS, Pariser DM, et al. Photodynamic therapy using aminolaevulinic acid for patients with nonhyperkeratotic actinic keratoses of the face and scalp: phase IV multicentre clinical trial with 12-month follow up. Br J Dermatol. 2006;155(6):1262-1269.

Basset-Seguin N, Ibbotson SH, Emtestam L, et al. Topical methyl aminolaevulinate photodynamic therapy versus cryotherapy for superficial basal cell carcinoma: a 5 year randomized trial. Eur J Dermatol. 2008;18(5):547-553.

Ibbotson SH, Wong TH, Morton CA, et al. Adverse effects of topical photodynamic therapy: a consensus review and approach to management. Br J Dermatol. 2019;180(4):715-729.

Lacour JP, Ulrich C, Gilaberte Y, et al. Daylight photodynamic therapy with methyl aminolevulinate cream is effective and nearly painless in treating actinic keratoses: a randomised, investigator-blinded, controlled, phase III study throughout Europe. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2015;29(12):2342-2348.

Rivers JK, Arlette J, Shear N, Guenther L, Carey W, Poulin Y. Topical treatment of actinic keratoses with 3.0% diclofenac in 2.5% hyaluronan gel. Br J Dermatol. 2002 Jan;146(1):94-100.

Miller AC, Adjei S, Temiz LA, Tyring SK. Tirbanibulin for the Treatment of Actinic Keratosis: A Review. Skin Therapy Lett. 2022;27(4):4-7.

Blauvelt A, Kempers S, Lain E, et al. Phase 3 Trials of tirbanibulin ointment for actinic keratosis. N Engl J Med. 2021 Feb 11;384(6):512-20. Slaughter DP, Southwick HW, Smejkal W. “Field cancerization” in oral stratified squamous epithelium. Clinical implications of multicentric origin. Cancer. 1953 Sep;6(5):963-8.

Braakhuis BJ, Tabor MP, Kummer JA, Leemans CR, Brakenhoff RH. A genetic explanation of Slaughter’s concept of field cancerization: evidence and clinical implications. Cancer Res. 2003;63:1727-1730.

Willenbrink TJ, Ruiz ES, Cornejo CM, Schmults CD, Arron ST, Jambusaria-Pahlajani A. Field cancerization: Definition, epidemiology, risk factors, and outcomes. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020 Sep;83(3):709-717.

Rigel DS. Cutaneous ultraviolet exposure and its relationship to the development of skin cancer. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2008;58(5):S129-32.

Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer. Public Health Agency of the Government of Canada. Published December 9, 2019. Accessed September 25, 2022.

Werner RN, Sammain A, Erdmann R, Hartmann V, Stockfleth E, Nast A. The natural history of actinic keratosis: a systematic review. Br J Dermatol, 169 (2013), pp. 502-518

Neugebauer R, Levandoski KA, Zhu Z, et al. A real-world, community-based cohort study comparing the effectiveness of topical fluorouracil versus topical imiquimod for the treatment of actinic keratosis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2018;78:710-716.

Pomerantz H, Hogan D, Eilers D, et al. Long-term efficacy of topical fluorouracil cream, 5%, for treating actinic keratosis: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Dermatol. 2015;151:952-960.

Steeb T, Wessely A, Schmitz L, et al. Interventions for Actinic Keratosis in Nonscalp and Nonface Localizations: Results from a Systematic Review with Network Meta-Analysis. J Invest Dermatol. 2021;141(2):345-354.e8.

Eisen DB, Asgari MM, Bennett DD et al. Guidelines of care for the management of actinic keratosis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2021 Oct 1;85(4):e209-33.

Askew DA, Mickan SM, Soyer HP, Wilkinson D. Effectiveness of 5-fluorouracil treatment for actinic keratosis a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Int J Dermatol. 2009;48:453-463.

Cornejo CM, Jambusaria-Pahlajani A, Willenbrink TJ, Schmults CD, Arron ST, Ruiz ES. Field cancerization: Treatment. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020 Sep;83(3):719-730.

Cunningham TJ, Tabacchi M, Eliane JP, et al. Randomized trial of calcipotriol combined with 5-fluorouracil for skin cancer precursor immunotherapy. J Clin Invest. 2017;127(1):106-116. doi:10.1172/JCI89820

Mohney L, Singh R, Grada A, Feldman S. Use of Topical Calcipotriol Plus 5-Fluorouracil in the Treatment of Actinic Keratosis: A Systematic Review. J Drugs Dermatol. 2022;21(1):60-65. doi:10.36849/JDD.2022.6632

Hadley G, Derry S, Moore RA. Imiquimod for actinic keratosis: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Invest Dermatol. 2006 Jun;126(6):1251-5.

Henderson BW, Dougherty TJ. How does photodynamic therapy work?. Photochem Photobiol. 1992;55(1):145-157.

Galderma Canada Inc. Metvix (methyl aminolevulinate topical cream) [product monograph]. Health Canada website. . Revised March 30, 2017. Accessed September 22, 2022.

Clarion Medical Technologies Inc. Levulan Kerastick [product monograph]. Health Canada website. Revised September 30, 2014. Accessed September 22, 2022.

Tschen EH, Wong DS, Pariser DM, et al. Photodynamic therapy using aminolaevulinic acid for patients with nonhyperkeratotic actinic keratoses of the face and scalp: phase IV multicentre clinical trial with 12-month follow up. Br J Dermatol. 2006;155(6):1262-1269.

Basset-Seguin N, Ibbotson SH, Emtestam L, et al. Topical methyl aminolaevulinate photodynamic therapy versus cryotherapy for superficial basal cell carcinoma: a 5 year randomized trial. Eur J Dermatol. 2008;18(5):547-553.

Ibbotson SH, Wong TH, Morton CA, et al. Adverse effects of topical photodynamic therapy: a consensus review and approach to management. Br J Dermatol. 2019;180(4):715-729.

Lacour JP, Ulrich C, Gilaberte Y, et al. Daylight photodynamic therapy with methyl aminolevulinate cream is effective and nearly painless in treating actinic keratoses: a randomised, investigator-blinded, controlled, phase III study throughout Europe. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2015;29(12):2342-2348.

Rivers JK, Arlette J, Shear N, Guenther L, Carey W, Poulin Y. Topical treatment of actinic keratoses with 3.0% diclofenac in 2.5% hyaluronan gel. Br J Dermatol. 2002 Jan;146(1):94-100.

Miller AC, Adjei S, Temiz LA, Tyring SK. Tirbanibulin for the Treatment of Actinic Keratosis: A Review. Skin Therapy Lett. 2022;27(4):4-7.

Blauvelt A, Kempers S, Lain E, et al. Phase 3 Trials of tirbanibulin ointment for actinic keratosis. N Engl J Med. 2021 Feb 11;384(6):512-20.



How to Cite

Burbidge T. Topical treatment options for field cancerization. Can Dermatol Today [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];3(4):35–42. Available from:


