An Overview of Rosacea


  • Michael Sidiropoulos, MD, FRCPC


Rosacea is a well-described chronic cutaneous syndrome with a constellation of different clinical signs and symptoms, with key components including persistent facial erythema and inflammatory papules and pustules primarily affecting the central face, and often with repeated remissions and exacerbations. Characteristic additional features are facial telangiectasias, frequent facial flushing, facial erythema and edema that is non-pitting and ocular and phymatous changes.

Author Biography

Michael Sidiropoulos, MD, FRCPC

Dr. Michael Sidiropoulos is a board-certified dermatologist, pathologist and dermatopathologist, in both Canada and the United States. He completed his undergraduate training in the immunology specialist program and graduate studies in pathology both at the University of Toronto, where he studied kallikrein serine proteases in the skin which have been shown to be involved in both rosacea and eczema. Dr. Sidiropoulos completed his medical degree, and pathology and dermatology residency training, all at the University of Toronto and a dermatopathology fellowship at Northwestern University, Chicago. He works both in academic and community settings in both dermatology and dermatopathology.


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How to Cite

Sidiropoulos M. An Overview of Rosacea. Can Dermatol Today [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];3(1):31–37. Available from:


