My Approach To Complementary and Natural Therapies In Managing Atopic Dermatitis


  • Angela Law, MD, FRCPC


Compared to other chronic cutaneous diseases, atopic dermatitis (AD) has gained much attention in the complementary and alternative realms of medicine. In a questionnaire-based study from Norway, 51% of patients with eczema reported use of one or more forms of alternative medicine (homeopathy, health foods, and herbal remedies) to help treat their condition. Some patients may look for alternative options when their disease is chronic, when explanations are unsatisfying, or when treatments are felt to be unsafe (i.e. in the case of steroid-phobia in the treatment of AD). 

An increasing number of patients are using complementary and alternative medicine and asking for ‘natural’ options particularly when dealing with recalcitrant eczema. As we enter an exciting new chapter for the treatment of moderate-to-severe AD with new biologics and small molecules on the horizon, we must keep in mind that these treatments are not a cure and patients may experience flares in their disease even when on therapy. I believe we should adapt and be open to providing ‘integrative dermatology’- which combines conventional and complementary approaches to disease management together in a safe and evidence-based fashion. 

Author Biography

Angela Law, MD, FRCPC

Dr. Angela Law is a dual-certified dermatologist in Canada and the U.S. She completed her medical school training at the University of British Columbia and was accepted into the joint dermatology program between the University of Saskatchewan and Dalhousie University. She opened SkinSense Dermatology in Saskatoon and practiced general and aesthetic dermatology for six years before moving back to Vancouver. She has a special interest in paediatric and adolescent dermatology but has been trained in all aspects of medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology.


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How to Cite

Law A. My Approach To Complementary and Natural Therapies In Managing Atopic Dermatitis. Can Dermatol Today [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 25];2(3):12–16. Available from:


