Preventing squamous cell carcinoma in the post-transplant patient


  • Sheila Au, MD, FRCPC


Skin cancer is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the post-renal transplant patient. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common post-transplant malignancy (up to 250x more common than in the general population). The three main pathogenetic – and synergistic – risk factors are cumulative ultraviolet light exposure, immunosuppression, and oncogenic viruses, especially human papillomavirus (HPV). How else can the dermatologist impact patient care beyond chasing skin cancers at every visit? This article will focus on a few strategies  utilized in the  Skin Cancer Post-Renal Transplant Clinic (SCREEN Clinic) at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, BC.


Author Biography

Sheila Au, MD, FRCPC

Dr. Sheila Au is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Dermatology and Skin Science at the University of British Columbia. She was the Head of the St. Paul’s Hospital Division of Dermatology from 2009 to 2019. She is a hospital-based medical dermatologist with a special interest in transplant-associated skin disorders, emergency dermatology, and cutaneous manifestations of rheumatic disease. She is the director of the Skin Cancer Post-Transplant Clinic (SCREEN Clinic) and co-director of the Dermatology and Rheumatology Clinic (DART Clinic) at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, BC. Dr. Au received the 2019 Practitioner of the Year Award from the Dermatology Society of British Columbia.


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How to Cite

Au S. Preventing squamous cell carcinoma in the post-transplant patient. Can Dermatol Today [Internet]. 2021 Feb. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];2(1):7–10. Available from:


