Melanoma Update and Review: AJCC staging and Adjuvant Treatment


  • Jennifer Beecker, MD


In an era of rapidly changing medical guidelines it is important for dermatologists to be aware of the current recommendations for disease management. This summary article will highlight the ‘need-to-know’ information for the clinical dermatologist on staging, sentinel lymph node biopsy recommendations, and new therapeutic options including adjuvant therapy for the management of patients with melanoma.

Author Biography

Jennifer Beecker, MD

Dr. Jennifer Beecker is a staff dermatologist at The Ottawa Hospital, Assistant Professor at The University of Ottawa. She is a Royal College and American Board of Dermatology certified dermatologist, trained and certified in 3 medical specialties: dermatology, emergency medicine and family medicine. Her interests include medical dermatology, pigmented lesions, in-patient hospital dermatology, and research. She is the Research Director for the Division of Dermatology at The Ottawa Hospital. Dr. Beecker founded the Pigmented Lesion and Melanoma Clinic at the Ottawa Hospital, where she follows patients at high-risk for melanoma with digital dermoscopy and total body photography. Dr. Beecker is the Vice President of the Canadian Dermatology Association’s Board of Directors. She trains medical residents and students and serves on the Executive Committee for the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Dermatology Examination.


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How to Cite

Beecker J. Melanoma Update and Review: AJCC staging and Adjuvant Treatment. Can Dermatol Today [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];1(3):20-3. Available from:


